DPS Calculation
The following calculations show the DPS (Damage per second) for every hero based on their primary or secondary fire, in other words is the average damage per second of every hero if they were firing non-stop, reload and buffer time is considered
On the first and second line, Ashe damage with no scope, at the longest distance (40 meters) and shortest distance (20 meters), third and fourth line shows her damage in scope mode, at the longest distance (60 meters) and the shorter (30 meters).
Ashe has the longest reload time in the game, but her damage is pretty high.
Bastion in Sentry configuration is also the fastest fire in the game with 35 bullets per second.
AND Bastion has also the biggest clip in the game with 300 bullets.
Updated in December 2018, recon ammo increased from 25 to 35.
Doomfist primary fire deals the weakest damage for offensive heroes, even in close distance can deal 59.84DPS only, his real power is not on his shots but his skills.
First and second line works for primary and secondary fire, the first row is reaching the enemy with 1 shuriken, the second line is reaching the enemy with the all 3 shurikens.
Hanzo is the only offensive character with no reaload time, being able to make a constant 2 shots per second (first row) and 0.8 shots per second with maximum load (second row).
As hanzo deals 100 DPS, is able to kill an average of one 200HP hero per second if aim the head, otherwise it can kill 1 hero every 2 seconds.
Junkrat can deal the second maximum damage for long range offensive heroes (after Bastion).
Junkrat can not headshot but can affect many heroes with 1 fire making him able to kill even 6 enemies with 2 frags (in 1.2 seconds), this increases his DPS to 797.34.
On the first row 35 damage at maximum distance makes 46.67DPS, on the second row 70 damage at minimum distance makes 93.33DPS.
Mei primary fire is the lowest for damage heroes, but she has the freeze bonus.
Mei secondary fire has the same DPS than Genji!
On the first row, the damage at minimum splash, on the second row a direct damage.
Pharah and junkrat are very similar, they can not headshot but can affect many heroes with 1 fire, like Junkrat, Pharah can kill the all 6 enemies with 2 missiles (in 2.22 seconds) increasing her DPS to 674.46.
Updated in October 2108 from 1.11 to 1.33 shots per second
On the first row, the maximum distance, on the second row the shortest distance, Reaper has the second higher damage in the game for short range (after Bastion).
Reaper is able to kill 1 hero (200 health) per second, making him the only movable hero who can do it without abilities.
Soldier: 76
On the first row the longest distance, and the shortest in the second row
Soldier:76 is actually the most effective hitscan hero in the game, yes, better than McCree, even when they have similar full shot and reload time.
Sombra in short distances can deal more damage than McCree (second row), but is much weaker at long distances (first row).
On the first row, Symmetra primary fire on level 1, on the second row, at level 3, this is her highest damage (165.25DPS).
On the third row, Symmetra secondary fire lower splash at minimum charge, on the fourth row, a direct secondary fire damage at maximum charge (still lower than primary fire).
Updated on June 2018, reaload time from 1.8 to 1.35 seconds, Damage from 30/60/120 to 60/120/180 and from 1.55-0.445 to 4-3 shots pers second.
Updated damage from 60/120/180 to 65/130/195.
Updated on June 2018, reaload time from 1.8 to 1.35 seconds, Damage from 30/60/120 to 60/120/180 and from 1.55-0.445 to 4-3 shots pers second.
Updated damage from 60/120/180 to 65/130/195.
On the first row, Torbjörn primary fire, on the second row, his secondary fire at shortest distance.
Updated on October 2018, damage per burst pellet from 15 to 12.5.
All the tracer damages are twice, every shot is made with her 2 guns, on the first row the longest distance damage, and the shortest in the second row.
Tracer has the third highest hitscan in the game (after Widowmaker and Bastion). making her the stronger "movable" hitscan in the game.
On the first and second row, Widowmaker using her rapid primary fire at highest and lowest distance, on the third and fourth row, using the scope mode on the minimum and maximum load.
Widowmaker is the only hero in the game who make a 250% damage with headshot (this is 300 damage and 305 DPS), this is the highest damage with 1 shot only.
On the first row, D.Va damage at longest distance and the shortest distance on the second row.
D.Va has the highest possible DPS on tanks but she needs to be less than 10 meters to her target to reach this damage.
D.Va has the highest possible DPS on tanks but she needs to be less than 10 meters to her target to reach this damage.
For orisa there is 1 row only, she doesn't have damage falloff for distance.
For Reinhardt there is 1 row only, his main fire is a melee attack.
Reinhardt can affect many heroes with this attack, increasing his DPS to 517.5.
On the first row, roadhog primary fire at maximum distance, this is the weakest damage in the game, on the second row, the minimum distance, on the third row, the secondary fire impact (before explosion) and on the fourth row, after explosion with all the fragments (this damage is not really possible cause fragments go to different directions).
On the first row, a Quad cannon bullet at the maximum distance (25 meters), Wrecking ball has a short time shooting and a long time reloading, this makes a low DPS, he needs between 2.6 and 5.2 seconds to kill a 200 HP hero and the lowest DPS tank, his real power are not his cannons but his skills.
Wrecking Ball
On the first row, a Quad cannon bullet at the maximum distance (25 meters), Wrecking ball has a short time shooting and a long time reloading, this makes a low DPS, he needs between 2.6 and 5.2 seconds to kill a 200 HP hero and the lowest DPS tank, his real power are not his cannons but his skills.
Winston can affect many heroes increasing his DPS to 524.82.
On the first row, Zarya primary fire with 0 energy, on the second row with 100 energy, this is her maximum damage.
On the third row, Zarya secondary fire with 0 energy, on the second row, with 100 energy
On the first row, baptise damage at the maximum distance (40 meters) and the second row at the minimum distance (20 meters).
Baptise has the highest DPS for support heroes.
On the first row, Lucio reaching his enemy with 1 projectile only, on the second row, reaching his enemy with the all 4 projectiles.
On the first row Zenyatta attacking with his secondary fire, with all 5 orbs, on the second row attacking with his primary fire.
Zenyatta primary fire has a higher DPS than secondary fire, this is because load a full Orb Volley takes much longer (2.6 seconds).
You can see the full spreadsheet here:
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