My original idea was making a phoenix “girl”, but I think there is too many support girls and I didn’t want to make a character similar to the X-men phoenix, then I watched this image from the original concept of Overwatch, I think this art concept could be used for phoenix removing all the original skills and his wings.
Phoenix is a support and the second character able to revive allies in a less efficient way as mercy does but more tactical.
Health: 250
Armor: 0
Shield: 0
Weapon: Flamethrower
Health: 250
Armor: 0
Shield: 0
Weapon: Flamethrower
Burn (Condition)
Phoenix is able to make enemies burn, when a player is burning he lose his life slowly, the burn is a persistent and constant damage which make 200 damage in 20 seconds (10 per second), enough time to go get a medical kit.
Flame Thrower (Primary fire) 

Phoenix launches a short range fire attack which deal damage and causes burn. This is pretty similar to Mei Freeze Spray.
Firewall (Secondary fire) 

Phoenix launches an oil short line on the ground (drawn with mouse left click), and then turns in fire making a firewall, this is tall enough to avoid heroes jump above it, enemies can walk across the firewall receiving burn.
This skill is useful to stop enemies in a small corridor or as defensive skill, but is not useful to stop tanks or other enemies with higher health.
Regen (Shift) 

Phoenix launches a capsule to an ally and fully recovers his health, this skill is specially useful to heal tanks quickly, but it has a long cooldown of 15 seconds, so is not good idea to use it on low damaged heroes.
Revive (E) 

Phoenix launches a capsule to an ally giving him 2 semi transparent wings for 20 seconds visible for allies only, if this ally dies before wings disappear, he will revive after 5 seconds in a thin fire tower causing burn to enemies over it and making the ally invencible for 1 second.
Revive has a 20 seconds cooldown, the same time as the skill lifetime.
I think is a good idea to give the option to cancel revive if the player doesn’t want to, this could save some D.vas from reviving in a place surrounded by enemies.
Reborn (Q) 

Phoenix gives himself a revive capsule, giving him 2 semi transparent wings for 60 seconds visible for allies only, if Phoenix dies before wings disappear, he will revive after 5 seconds in a large fire tower causing burn to enemies over it and making him invencible for 1 second.
I think is a good idea to give the option to cancel reborn if the player doesn’t want to.
Mei against Phoenix
Mei has a little advantage against Phoenix, she is able to extinguish an ally burn and remove phoenix Firewall using her Freeze Spray.
On the other hand,Phoenix is able to defrost a frozen ally and destroy Ice wall instantly using his Flame Thrower.
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