Jiahao/Bulletman (Offense)
Jiahao is a Chinese kung-fu and gun-kata fighter, he is very smart and fast, he is good flanking and infiltrating, but he is not really silent, he caries 2 guns and he can use it all the time.
Armor: 0
Shield: 0
Weapon: Justice Guns
Justice Guns (Primary and secondary fire)
Jiahao uses 2 guns and can shot them independently with left and right click, this means he can shoot both guns simultaneously if both mouse button are pressed at the same time, each gun can be fired 1 time per 1 second, this means he can fire 2 shoots per second asynchronously.
Both arms moves separately while Jiahao changes his target, allowing him to aim to different spots, if he aims to a target pressing left mouse button without releasing it and aim to another target pressing right mouse button, left arm will continue shooting the first target. this makes Jiahao the only one who can shoot to 2 entrances at the same time.
Each Justice Gun deals 45 damage, can load 20 bullets and takes 1 second to reload, both Justice guns deals 85.71 damage per second.
Spinning kick (V)
Jiahao makes a spinning kick when melee attack key is pressed damaging and pushing back to all the nearby enemies in a 2 meters radius, Justice guns can be used while in Spinning kick.
Spinning kick can be used while on jump causing knocking the enemies down.
Spinning kick can be used while on crouch causing a spinning sweep pushing the enemies up.
Dash (Shift)
Jiahao darts forward quickly 15 m in 1 second and horizontally only, while in Dash the player can attack in 4 different ways if one of the following buttons are pressed:
- Melee attack (V key): Jiahao kicks forward damaging and pushing the enemy back.
- Jump (Space key): Jiahao kicks higher damaging and knocking the enemy down.
- Crouch (Ctrl key): Jiahao sweeps lower damaging and pushing the enemy up.
- Fire (Primary or secondary click): Jiahao can use their guns while dashing.
Bullet Evasion (E)
Jiahao avoid enemies projectiles for 2 seconds, even if he is attacked from backward, this skill is similar to Genji Deflect, but this one does not reflect the projectiles and, as always, Justice guns can be used while Jiahao evades.
Action sequence (Q)
The whole game lows the speed /4 (similar to when a round ends), this makes an advantage for all the players, allies and enemies, but Jiahao will increase his speed 4 times.
Action sequence lasts 4 seconds, speed reduction is progressive and will back to normal suddenly when time ends.
Speed reduction is not accumulative, if there are more than 1 Jiahao using Action sequence at the same time, the game speed reduction will be the same (/4).
Action sequence is a common resource used in many action movies, like Matrix:
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